Mac users are beginning to suffer from iPhone overload, and can’t wait for Cupertino to get some new computers out the door – and new MacBooks are a Mac geek’s wet dream right now…we know they’re coming, we think within weeks, but the anticipation… So, the computer to the right has none of the new “curvature” we’ve been hearing so much about.  On that alone, we are calling fake.  It is interesting to note that there is no latch…something we’d be glad to see disappear.  At least we can agree with our imposter on that. Apple is expected to introduce new Macs – MacBooks – by October 13, with some industry insiders anticipating an announcement of the new products by the end of this month. While we wait we’re getting our fix pulling in the rumours, and we think this one’s interesting – see, these images depict a hitherto unknown MacBook model were published on German retailer, T System’s retail website. And then removed… We love it when stuff gets removed, it’s all the more exciting for that – even Photoshop frauds are better with a take down notice, real or otherwise.  Step in the lovely Danes at MediaMac – they snagged a few images just in time (apparently). These will offer up to a 2.6GHz Core 2 Duo processor, will have a clear black frame around the screen (like the iMac). And prices seem set around €1,797. For the Pro machines…. Oh, and there’s a lovely little info-nugget that emerged this week…seems Nvidia will launch its MCP7A IGP chip by the end of the month, an updated Intel-platform integrated graphics chip that could well be scheduled for deployment in the new Macs. And recent analyst remarks that Apple has already begun to move quantities of its new computer about in order to have them in place for the imminent launch don’t hurt at all. And with Apple now holding 10.6 per cent of the US notebook market, well, the only way is up, right?