Stephen King’s IT is heading to the big screen this year, but real-life clowns are none-too-happy about that. There’s been a good deal of buzz around the film already. Fore starters, King’s original IT book has numerous fans. When you factor in those who also have fond memories of the 1990s IT TV miniseries, the business of re-adapting the horror classic is a daunting one. Luckily, the general response to the IT teaser trailer seems to have been by and large positive.

From fans of the original to general moviegoers and horror films, the IT trailer took social media by storm and broke trailer views records previously held by The Fate of the Furious. Taking a number of cues from the ’90s miniseries, this new take on IT looks to update the classic story, while also paying homage to its previous iterations. While the result may prove to be a thrilling horror film full of tension and sure to give a new generation of viewers coulrophobia, not everyone’s happy about the creepy new movie - chief among them, professional clowns.

MEL Magazine spoke with a number of performers who make a living as clowns, and they’re none to please about the IT trailer and the upcoming movie in general. Nick Kane, aka Mr. Nick, worries that the fear that’s been stoked over the past year of murderous clowns will be back with the film:

While many people will likely have a renewed dread of clowns after seeing IT in theaters, that’s hardly the sole fault of the film. While last year’s clown panic was mostly over-exaggerated by the media, it touched on a very real fear people have had for centuries. No doubt, previous versions of IT played their part in that, but it’s a well-worn fact of the trade at this point. Still, clowns such as Guilford “Gilly” Adams see it as a big blow:

“It’s ruining our business. We just experienced a nice break from the scary clown meme from last October, and just when things are starting to normalize, the IT trailer comes and it’s like, ‘Here we go again.’”

While those last two knocks seem a bit tone deaf, Adams is likely reacting to the very real fear of his industry dying. While the artistry of clowning can certainly be debated elsewhere, there’s no denying that many people spend a great deal of time and effort invested in the profession. That said, the various cultural events of the past few years are hardly to blame for the trade’s falling appeal. Clowns and circus have long fallen out of popular favor, and one could argue that even the somewhat negative exposure afforded by IT is likely the best publicity the profession has had in years. Perhaps the era of the joy-brigning clown is at an end, but the reign of the fear-inducing clown looks to still have a long life for those willing to pursue it.

“It’s gonna be bad for clowns. It’s a dying profession. And the people who do it and scrape together a living have to grapple with the fact that it’s cool and hip not to like clowns. The ultimate prick in this is that it’s going to turn young consumers away from an art form that’s sweet and nice and not about the Kardashians and Minecraft.”

Source: MEL Magazine

  • IT Release Date: 2017-09-08