With Kojima Productions’ Death Stranding hopefully arriving in 2019, gaming fans have been told to anticipate and epic game that will blow them away. After E3 2018’s spectacular presentation, it looks like Hideo Kojima has been keeping plenty back for the title’s eventual release.

The road to Death Stranding has been a long one. After first being announced at 2016’s E3, Death Stranding has kept players guessing as they try and work out what the game entails. Last year’s E3 gave fans their first real look at Death Stranding but still had everyone scratching their heads. So, can anyone close to the game shed some light on Kojima’s twisted world?

Kong: Skull Island director Jordan Vogt-Roberts got some hands-on experience with Death Stranding and shared his impressions on Twitter. Gushing about how Kojima has taken his world to the “next-level,” Vogt-Roberts also branded Death Stranding a “miracle.” For reference, his mention of Yoji Shinkawa relates to the Japanese artist known for designing some of Metal Gear Solid’s most infamous characters.

Elsewhere, Norman Reedus told Metro what working on Death Stranding was like and how it will raise the bar when it comes to gaming:

Reedus confirmed that he’s sometimes just as confused as everyone else. Although he couldn’t reveal too many spoilers, he hyped up Death Stranding’s unique gameplay experience: “The concept is so far out into the future. Instead of eliminating everyone around you, it’s bringing everyone together. It’s a very positive video game, but scary and depressing at the same time. It’s kind of a new movie. I’ve never seen anything like what we’re doing.” He concluded by saying how the trailers are only the tip of the Death Stranding iceberg and don’t even begin to explain the core of the game:

That guy is such a genius, Hideo Kojima. I’m like, ‘Oh so they’ll be playing me?’ And he’s like, ‘No they are you. We will make them cry as you.’ I’m like, ‘What are you talking about? It’s a video game.'

While Death Stranding already had everyone talking thanks to its all-star cast of Reedus, Mads Mikkelsen, and Léa Seydoux, Kojima promises to deliver more than just some big names. Described as an action-adventure game, Death Stranding follows Reedus’ Sam in a dystopian world populated by horrific creatures.  Not much else is known, but the various trailers have teased something that is definitely a dark addition to gaming.

‘The trailers show you an aspect of it, but not a whole picture of what the game will be. That’s like a whole other thing. It’s complicated, it’s a crazy complicated game. I’ve been learning a lot about video games doing it."

Death Stranding is particularly important for Kojima as it will be his first game since splitting from Konami. At least he’s got plenty of hype surrounding title. Even after Reedus’ latest comments, it isn’t much clearer what Death Stranding is really about. Thankfully, Vogt-Roberts assures everyone that Kojima’s games will be everything players need and more. Either way, Death Stranding is one of the most anticipated video games in living memory.

More: Death Stranding Isn’t Trying To Legitimize Video Games As Art Form

Source: Jordan Vogt-Roberts, Metro