The venerable Apple-branded music locker in the cloud is virtually a go as Apple has apparently signed a streaming agreement with record label EMI, CNET’s Greg Sandoval reported yesterday evening. Multiple industry sources told the publication that the remaining two labels are about to sign on a dotted line:

Those talks could be completed “as early as next week”, sources say.

It was previously reported that the iTunes chief Eddy Cue was touring labels to secure support as the cloud locker service was technically completed and ready for launch.


And sources tell me that Apple has already procured deals from at least two of the big four labels (Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group, Sony and EMI) within the last two months. One source tells me Apple content boss Eddy Cue will be in New York tomorrow to try to finalize remaining deals.

“They’ve been very aggressive and thoughtful about it,” says an industry executive. “It feels like they want to go pretty soon.”