In March we reported on a new jailbreak tweak called ProWidgets that introduced a whole suite of widgets to the iOS 7 Notification Center. With today’s release of iOS 8, Avanio Labs, the company created by Alan Yip, has released several native widgets for the new operating system. These new add-ons will help you keep track of your calendar and to-do list, monitor the weather, and perform a ton of useful actions on the text stored in your clipboard.

The first of these is Agenda+, which you can see in the screenshots above. Agenda+ combines a list view of your calendar events with a summary of your iOS Reminders. iOS typically breaks these two up into separate widgets, with the Calendar widget showing a full timeline of your day (which can take up a lot of space depending on how many events you have and how late in the day they are).


The second widget is called Forecast+. Where iOS 8 only displays the forecast in a paragraph of text in the Today summary, Forecast+ shows the upcoming weather with a visual style that’s much more similar to the stock Weather application. You can use a compact view to save space, or an expanded view that offers more information about upcoming weather for five days.

The final widget is called Paste+, and is one of the most powerful tools for managing your clipboard that you’ll find in the Notification Center. It presents you with a wide variety of actions you can perform on the next in your clipboard, your last saved photo, rich text, URLs, and more.

You can use it to start a phone or FaceTime call, Google a term, post to a social network, open links in Safari, translate text through Google Translate, upload images to services like Imgur and Dropbox, search Wikipedia, find a map, create an Evernote entry, save to a read-later service, and much, much more.

Unfortunately due to resource limitations, the widget can’t handle videos or photos taken using the iPhone camera since they’re too large. However, images saved from the web or other sources with a smaller file size should work just fine. Even with those limitations, it’s still an incredibly powerful tool for quickly acting on text and images.

All three widgets are available right now on the App Store and require iOS 8 to use. You can grab Agenda+ for $1.99, while Weather+ costs just $.99, and Paste+ is $3.99. You can get all three widgets for $4.99 total as a bundle.