Throughout his more than fifty years in cinema, James Bond has been around the world several times and saved it on countless occasions. His adventures lead him to all kinds of danger, most of which he solves through cunning and deadly accuracy with a firearm. Every once in a while, however, he still has to use his fists and body to take care of a situation.

Fortunately, he is just as adept at hand-to-hand combat as he is with a firearm. The following list will rank the best fist fights throughout the franchise’s history. Some of these 007 comes out of unharmed, while in others he was lucky to get out alive.

Casino Royale: Opening Scene

Bond’s first kill sure wasn’t an easy one. Not only did it cost the secret agent his innocence, but it also cost someone’s estate a bathroom. They wreck several stalls, break mirrors, and trash sinks. The agent finally gets the upper hand when he suffocates his combatant under running water. But his target isn’t out for the count just yet.

He makes one last desperate play with a gun, but Bond draws quicker and puts him down for good. The moment serves as a creative replacement for the iconic opening gun barrel shot, kicking into the theme song, “You Know My Name” by Chris Cornell.

On Her Majesty’s Secret Service: Beach Fight

George Lazenby’s introduction as Bond sees him saving a woman’s life on a beach. While bringing her back to shore, two men hold them at gunpoint. Bond strikes at the right moment and begins exchanging punches with one of them in the water as the waves crash down. Then he wrestles with the second one on the sand, throwing him around a few times like a doll. What thanks does he get for doing this? The woman steals his car and Bond breaks the fourth wall, saying “This never happened to the other fellow.”

Man With The Golden Gun: Martial Arts Academy

In this scene, Bond starts out with some organized hand-to-hand fights. Once he has met his match, however, he runs away, prompting the academy to chase him. Thankfully, his contact, Lieutenant Hip, drops by with his two nieces to help Bond out. The agent initially tries to take the enemies on alone, thinking the girls are inexperienced, but they soon prove him wrong by incapacitating a large group without his assistance.

Live And Let Die: Tee Hee

Trains are always the go-to spot for an intense brawl. The compact design means there is nowhere to hide, and running will always lead to a dead end. The fight with Tee Hee at the end of Live and Let Die takes place entirely in Bond’s cabin. Tee Hee is larger and probably stronger, but Bond gets the upper hand by immobilizing the henchman using the enemy’s metallic prosthetic. As this buys 007 some time, he then shoves his enemy out the window of the moving train, leaving only his fake arm behind.

The Living Daylights: Necros

In this high-stakes brawl, not only is Bond fighting a powerful adversary, but he is also fighting against the clock. He must defeat Necros before a bomb goes off on the plane. The two grab and punch each other until the cargo door opens and they are holding on for dear life. Eventually, Necros is only hanging on to 007’s boot. In this moment, the agent’s ingenuity kicks in and he cuts the laces, making the boot slip off and sending Necros plummeting to his death.

You Only Live Twice: Wrestler

The most interesting fights occur when the protagonist takes on someone twice his size. This fight against a wrestler is fun for the theatrics. His adversary looks like he is toying with Bond as he tosses him around the room. Of course, hubris is always the downfall, and Bond picks up a couch to use as a battering ram.

The henchman is played by Peter Fanene Maivia, who is Dwayne Johnson’s grandfather. Maivia was also a wrestler, proving the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.

Goldfinger: Oddjob

In an honest rumble, Bond doesn’t stand a chance against Oddjob. The actor who portrayed the silent villain, Harold Sakata, was a weightlifter and wrestler. While Sean Connery was also ripped at one point in his career, he wasn’t anywhere near Sakata’s size. Because of this disadvantage, Bond had to get smart when dealing with the physically intimidating presence. One of Oddjob’s hat throws hits a live wire, and the agent uses this to his advantage. When Oddjob tries to grab his hat lodged between metal bars, 007 puts the exposed wire against them, killing his enemy.

From Russia With Love: Red Grant

While SPECTRE is the main villain of From Russia With Love, Red Grant, played by Robert Shaw, was the man on the ground hunting Bond. The two finally come face to face on a train, where Grant has the agent at gunpoint.

Using a suitcase flash bomb, Bond disarms Grant and the two duke it out in their cabin. The whole fight lasts a solid two minutes as they trade blows, put each other in chokeholds, and kick each other across the small space. It ends when Grant is strangling Bond, and the agent manages to get a knife in his enemy’s arm and turn the tables.

Goldeneye: Trevelyan

The fight between Bond and Alec Trevelyan in GoldenEye starts with some fire traded back and forth, but it eventually comes down to fisticuffs. At first, they are throwing each other around a room, but after Trevelyan has him at gunpoint, Bond descends a ladder where the villain follows. Only at the very end of the brawl does Bond seem to have a fighting chance. Eventually, Trevelyan falls off the structure, but doesn’t die until the whole thing explodes and falls on top of him. This was at a time before Sean Bean died in every role he played, so the stakes were high.

Spectre: Mr. Hinx

As big and muscular as Daniel Craig is, he stands no chance against Dave Bautista. During their fight in Spectre, Mr. Hinx would have probably had Bond’s number had 007 not tied his neck around several jugs which pulled him off the train.

Beforehand, however, the two wreak havoc across several train cars as they duel to the death. Bond barely manages to escape fatal blows and nothing he does seems to phase Mr. Hinx — even setting him of fire. As far as hand-to-hand bouts go, this is easily the most visceral of the series.

Next: 10 Things We Want From No Time To Die