With telehealth becoming less of the exception and more of the rule during the COVID-19 pandemic, Jamf is releasing a new Virtual Visits workflow in Jamf Pro aimed to simplify and better secure the process on iPhone and iPad.

I’ve personally had multiple telehealth appointments in the past few weeks, and I love everything about it. So many of my doctor’s visits are about sharing information and getting guidance on the next steps, so being able to do that from the comfort of my own home is wonderful. I had a telehealth appointment with my allergist while I was out for a run and took the call from my iPhone and AirPods.

For healthcare providers, deploying a solution for telehealth would keep me up at night, though. Between HIPAA laws and just general privacy concerns, there is a lot for IT departments to consider when deploying telehealth. One of my doctors had a dedicated solution from their healthcare CRM, but the other was simply using a regular Zoom account.

Jamf’s new Virtual Visit workflow is aimed to simplify and secure the entire process when patients are in a local healthcare facility but need to chat with doctors and specialists virtually. Depending on the video platform, Jamf’s Virtual Visits can create a randomized account in a third-party video conference platform. All of the information is temporarily stored in Jamf Pro for the patient visit, but removed when the patient is discharged. Doctors and other medical staff can access a video conference directory from a computer or mobile device and start a meeting with one tap.

UCSD Health recently overhauled its health care delivery by turning the majority of in-person care appointments into telehealth visits. As part of their telehealth transition, UCSDH started using Virtual Visits in mid-April and now has hundreds of iPads configured for inpatient video visits across the facility.