The first month of the new ’20s is over and the best-selling game in January was Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, which managed to beat games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019 and Madden NFL 20 during the same period. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is an open-world action RPG that retells the story of Dragon Ball Z, with new scenes that were created by Akira Toriyama to further flesh out the story.

The response to Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot was mostly positive, even if fans weren’t blown away by its gameplay. There are a number of Dragon Ball games on the market that incorporate elements from the entire series, not just Z, and there are already tons of games that have chronicled the story of Dragon Ball Z, so it was doing anything particularly new. The lack of originality certainly didn’t influence Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot’s sales, as it sold 1.5 million in one week, proving that the love for Goku and his friends is as strong as ever.

It seems that Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot did far better than anyone realized. The US sales data for January 2020 has now been released, which collates information from both physical and digital games sales to form its rankings. According to Mat Piscatella on Twitter, the best-selling game in January 2020 was Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019 in second place and Madden NFL 20 in third. The top twenty for January mostly consists of older titles, as not many news games are generally released straight after the holidays, but Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot was an exception, as it was released on January 16.

It was revealed that Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot was a top download for PlayStation 4, but that it didn’t beat out Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto V. It seems that the game’s physical sales more than made up for this. Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is currently only available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, but these sales could lead to the game coming to Nintendo Switch and Google Stadia in the future as well.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is by no means a perfect game and there is a lot of room for improvement. It’s hoped that the upcoming DLC could fix some of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot’s issues, especially in regards to its poor post-game content. The fact that the game has sold so well means that Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot could receive even more DLC content down the line, including material from the original series, GT, or Super. The popularity of Dragon Ball Z Kakarot means that we could be seeing a lot more content coming to the game in the future.

Next: Dragon Ball Z Kakarot: Complete Guide to Fishing

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Source: Mat Piscatella/Twitter