Jared Leto has shared a picture on Instagram teasing his DCEU Joker fighting against Batman. The 30-Seconds-to-Mars-singer-cum-Oscar-winning-actor made his debut as the Clown Prince of Crime in last year’s Suicide Squad, and while he definitely found his fans (and the design helped the film bag a makeup and hairstyling Oscar), the psychotic crime lord has been a major detraction point for the movie’s critics.

One of the strangest omissions in Suicide Squad was the lack of a scene between Joker and Bats. Although the Caped Crusader purposely only had a very slight role in the film, it was strange that he didn’t showdown against his greatest nemesis, especially as they did share a flashback scene. This was particularly odd given the implied beating the Dark Knight gave requiring the metal grill. Thankfully, fans imagining how such a scene might look need image no longer.

Leto’s has shared a fan art tease on his Instagram of his Joke maniacally holding a knife against Ben Affleck’s Batman’s neck. The source of the artwork is unknown.

? ? @thejoker_clan ? A post shared by JARED LETO (@jaredleto) on Apr 20, 2017 at 2:58pm PDT

At the time of the movie’s release, Leto was was rather down on the whole experience in junket interviews. Per his castmates, the actor had gone full method, with Will Smith saying he felt like he never actually met Jared and the stories of his “gifts” - a dead pig to the table read and used condoms to Margot Robbie - having become infamous. However, his role was vastly cut down in the finished film to little more than an extended cameo, leading to the actor being outwardly frustrated in interviews.

Because of this, his interest in reprising the role has been suspect. Indeed, the actor’s Instagram feed has been mostly absent of Suicide Squad related images as of late, the only recent other post being one about voting in the MTV Film and TV Awards for which the character is nominated for Best Villain. While it’s subtle, this picture shows he does still have some affection for the experience. What it means tangibly of his continued involvement with the DCEU, though, is unclear, but does create the expectation for a later scuffle with Batman, something that’s particularly likely if the series is at some point going to be adapting Under the Red Hood.

Leto’s DCEU future may be up in the air, but with Suicide Squad 2, Gotham City Sirens, The Batman, Nightwing and Batgirl all on the horizon, Warner Bros. aren’t short for options on how to include him.

Source: Jared Leto

Next: How Jared Leto’s Joker Can Rise Above Suicide Squad