While John Dorian may not have been everyone’s cup of tea on Scrubs, with Dr. Cox berating him at every available opportunity and the Janitor making his life a living hell, he certainly had a lot of success with the ladies. Whether it was his personality, his looks, or a mixture of both, JD had a series of love interests throughout the course of his entire run in the show.

Some were pretty casual, whereas others were legitimate relationships — with a few even leading to the birth of a child. Today, we want to run through what we believe to be his ten best ‘girlfriends’ in the show.


While she may not have featured all too heavily in the show, Neena certainly made an impression during her brief stint.

It seemed as if JD was more scared of her than anything else, but as it turned out, that fear turned into lust. It may not have been too much more than a fling but that sort of thing didn’t happen to JD every single episode, so it was certainly noteworthy. She was a match for just about anyone, but she was too frightening to be considered amongst the best of the best.


The thing about Danni was that she was so unbelievably unpredictable. Plus, there’s an argument to be made that JD only stuck around so he could try and become best pals with Dr. Cox – who was married to Danni’s sister, who JD also happened to have a fling with.

She was far too sporadic in the nature of her actions to really be taken seriously, although one of the best aspects about her time on the show was how JD never really knew how to react to literally anything she did.


The “will they, won’t they” nature of this relationship made for fascinating viewing, and whilst Molly may not technically have been JD’s girlfriend, it definitely felt that way at certain points during her time on the show. She was a phenomenal character to watch if only because of how bubbly and fun she was, but at the same time, things were never really made official between the two of them.

That drops Molly down the rankings, but it’s still difficult not to appreciate the impact she had on some of the show’s bigger storylines.


The intrigue behind Alex began when she was spending time in an MRI machine and started to bond with JD. After she came out the two began a relationship, and it seemed like everything was going pretty smoothly.

However, as it turns out, Alex had a pill addiction and was caught stealing drugs from the hospital. They broke up as a direct result of her problem, and while JD tried to get her some help, she never got back to him. This was a sad one because fans had invested in this pairing, only for it to immediately fall flat.


There were some interesting layers to JD’s relations with Jamie, but in the end, it just didn’t seem like she was the ‘one’ for him. He fought hard to get her and then fought hard to try and make it work between them, but in the end, it was all for nothing.

JD is a complex guy and while that may be difficult for some to handle, the ones that’ll last are always able to make things work. Jamie wasn’t able to do that and wound up being a transitional girlfriend more than anything else.


You could make the argument that Lisa the Gift Shop Girl was a fairly irrelevant part of JD’s story, but his crush on her was pretty clear for all to see – and it was also fascinating to watch their ‘relationship’, if you can call it that, unfold. JD had his shot with her and blew it, then tried again and failed once more. It wasn’t necessarily that JD didn’t have game, but things like work and a different girl wound up getting in his way.

She got married, in the end, so all is well that ends well.


While Kim may have been the birth mother of JD’s son Sam, her behavior throughout the show ensures that she doesn’t get anywhere near the top three in these rankings. Their relationship seemed to be doomed from the start courtesy of the pregnancy, but Kim didn’t help matters by lying and telling JD that she had a miscarriage.

Things didn’t wind up working out even after Sam was born, with Kim going on to marry Sean, the former boyfriend of Elliot. At one point we thought they had a chance, but it wasn’t to be.


Kylie was one of the sweetest girls that JD ever went out with and, in many ways, she was probably a little bit too good for him. The clear sign of that came at the end of their time together, when JD tried to make himself seem like a hero for walking away from Molly in order to be with Kylie.

She had a bit more fire in her than JD probably thought, and while we’ll always have memories of their cute first date together at the hospital, it just didn’t last for them.


Out of all the girls that John Dorian has been with, Julie seemed to be the most suitable partner for him. She was as ditsy as she was charming and the two got on like a house on fire. There were obvious problems such as her “that’s so funny” line and JD’s desire to get more serious, with the latter eventually being the catalyst behind their demise as a couple.

When they bought land together it really did feel like they could go on to do something special, but there was only ever one true girl for him.


JD and Elliot were the Ross and Rachel of their generation and that much was obvious in the very first episode. Even if they didn’t want to admit it they were in love from the moment they met one another, and that love continued to blossom as the years went on.

They may have broken up and gotten back together more times than we can count, but it was all worth it to see them get married in the final shot of season eight’s flashforward. In short, they were soul mates.