If there’s one thing the X-Men are known for it’s fighting injustice and inequality in a world that fears mutants. If there’s a SECOND thing the X-Men are known for it’s their keen fashion sense. Marvel’s Mutants have had many different looks through the decades, whether it’s their black leather costumes from the feature film series, their colorful individualized outfits that started in the ’70s, or their blue and yellow uniformed costumes from their debut in the ’60s. The X-Men are constantly changing their looks and fans can’t ever seem to get enough.

Since the X-Men have been successfully relaunched by Marvel in the past year or so, that proud fashion trend has continued onward. Jean Grey is switching up her looks yet again too. If you haven’t been following the many different X-books that have been on store shelves recently, Jean has been rocking her classic Marvel Girl uniform as of late. It was the second outfit that Jean wore in the comics when the team abandoned their old school blue and yellow.

Now that she and Emma Frost have headlined their own Giant-Size X-Men one-shot, Jean is opting for a newer costume design but with her classic green and yellow color scheme.

Artist Russell Dauterman spoke to Newsarama about why this look appealed to him:

Back in the day, X-Men tended to keep their costumes more or less the same over a period of years. As time has gone on, however, their looks tend to change up more and more frequently. Even Cyclops has gone through quite a few uniform variations, not even letting something like dying and being resurrected stop him from testing out a new outfit. Wolverine is probably one of the most consistent X-Men when it comes to uniforms unless you’re talking about his big-screen counterpart. Even his most current brown suit is barely any different from the one he used to wear.

Newsarama: Emma and Jean have some very distinct outfits on the cover of this one-shot. How much input did you have into those designs, adapted from classic costumes? It seems the X-Men are willing to switch up their fashions these days.

Dauterman: Jonathan and the X-office seemed open to changing up the costumes, so I suggested this look for Jean. The costume is basically her Mahmud Asrar-designed X-Men: Red look - I tweaked it and changed the colors to fit her current color scheme. I love that look from Red, and wanted Jean in something modern.

When you get right down to it, Jean Grey has always been one of those X-Men that has a hard time finding a definitive uniform. With the exception of her outfit when she becomes the Phoenix, it’s hard to say which of her costumes a fan would describe as her most iconic. On the plus side, this gives artists like Dauterman a lot of room to experiment with. Catch Giant-Size X-Men: Jean Grey and Emma Frost, in stores now.

Next: The X-Men Reboot Just Stole The MCU’s WORST Costumes

Source: newsarama.com