The forthcoming Rampage feature film, adds Jeffrey Dean Morgan in a supporting role. Based on the 1980s Midway arcade franchise of video game titles, the adaptation will see lead actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson - among several other notable Hollywood stars and starlets - lending their talents to an action movie centering around an anti-poaching unit stationed in Rwanda. Johnson is set to lead the charge as a primate-loving Primatologist, alongside a femme fatale played by Malin Ackerman and supporting turns from Joe Manganiello and Naomie Harris.

Johnson is certainly no stranger to being the leading man in an action blockbuster, as his continuing work in the Fast & Furious franchise can attest. Furthermore, Rampage will see Johnson teaming up yet again with San Andreas director Brad Peyton, which should result in another fruitful creative collaboration for the two Hollywood talents. And as the rest of the cast and crew continue to come together behind the scenes, it would appear that another A-list talent has just signed on to appear in the new movie alongside Johnson and company.

According to Deadline, none other than Negan himself of The Walking Dead - namely Jeffrey Dean Morgan - will be joining the fray in the production of the impending theatrical release of Rampage come April 2018. Exact character and plot details are still scarce at the time of this writing, but it has been announced that Morgan will fill the role of one Agent Russell, a covert government operative possessed of a certain swagger and gravitas all his own.

Fans of Morgan’s most recent turn on the small screen as recurring The Walking Dead antagonist Negan will undoubtedly be intrigued to hear that the frequent genre actor will be lending his talents to Rampage. Over the years, Morgan has certainly cemented his status as a go-to Hollywood heavy of questionable intentions, with his turn as The Comedian in Watchmen being an obvious frame of reference from which his subsequent franchise roles have largely followed suit.

It’s hard to say exactly what kind of presence Morgan will bring to bear in his latest big screen role as Agent Russell in Rampage, but with any luck he’ll prove to be a more than capable second-stringer to Johnson’s central protagonist. On that note, here’s to hoping for the very best from Morgan, Johnson, and the rest of the Rampage cast and crew when the new movie finally sees theatrical release early next year.

Next: The Rock Reveals Rampage Details & Filming Start Date

Source: Deadline

  • Rampage Release Date: 2018-04-13