Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino has been living the good life following his release from prison in September. The Jersey Shore: Family Vacation star and his wife Lauren Pesce are enjoying their new 7-bed, 10-bathroom, 9,800 square feet mansion estimated at a $1,800,591.

Sorrentino has become known for his success in recovery and sobriety. The reality star recently celebrated his fourth year being sober. He attributes much of his success of sobriety to his wife, who has been a constant source of support during the good times and the bad. However, he recently had to deal with haters trying to undermine his sobriety. Sorrentino was called out last week for not being humble amid his sobriety. He hopped on Instagram to issue a clapback to one of his followers, saying, “Don’t make a comment about someone’s recovery when you don’t know there [sic] story or what hole they had to dig out of to get where they are now."

All negativity aside, Sorrentino and his wife recently celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary by purchasing a 4-story home in Holmdel, New Jersey, E! reports. The Sorrentinos’ new mansion is decked to the nines with a lot of natural light from the many tall windows and the top-notch view of the Manhattan skyline from the top floor of the home’s observation deck. The home is located in a quiet area secluded from the loud city life - and getting around the large home will be easy due to the elevator. The mansion also comes with vaulted ceilings, an enormous basement, a hot tub, a fireplace, a 4-car garage, and a beautiful kitchen setup. Check out the mansion’s exterior (via TMZ):

The Sorrentinos have a large bedroom suite for when the in-laws come in town and accessible access to the courtyard, as well as a two-story office and library space. The home’s grand master suite features two walk-in closets and a luxurious five-fixture en suite. So, needless to say, the Sorrentinos are living it up in their new mansion. The Situation is in a much more positive place after his tumultuous past. He was once known as one of the most negative influences during the early seasons of Jersey Shore. When the show first aired, he wasn’t kind to his roommates, the women he would bring back to the shore house, or himself. Later, it came out that he was struggling with an addiction to prescription pain killers, which heavily influenced many of his actions. After several stints in rehab, Sorrentino was able to achieve sobriety.

Despite Sorrentino having to serve eight months in jail for tax evasion, he remains clean and sober. He’s also helping many people strive to get sober for themselves. Despite the naysayers, Sorrentino continues to spread his positive messages, including “living my best life” and “your current situation is not your final destination.” While it’s not certain if Jersey Shore: Family Vacation will return or not, Sorrentino supporters are excited to see what the future brings for him.

Source: E!, TMZ