Jessica Jones is one of the best TV adaptations we’ve seen come out of Marvel in recent years. It was dramatic and intense, and was an excellent example of what Jessica’s series has to give to its fans. And let’s not forget the number of new fans the series brought into the mix.

But with any series, there are some episodes that are better than others (and vice versa). We’re here to talk about the ten best episodes. Normally, that’d probably be a highly debated and contested statement. So we’re going to rely on the IMDb rating system to get a solid grasp of the ten fan favorites from the series. We hope you enjoy. And we totally understand if this list makes you want to binge the series all over again.

AKA The Sandwich Saved Me

Rating: 8.5

“AKA The Sandwich Saved Me” is the third episode of Jessica Jones, and it brings together several iconic characters. It’s no wonder that this is the first episode to include on our list.

During this episode, Simpson joins the battle to hunt Kilgrave – even though Jessica wasn’t keen or willing with this part of the plan. It’s also during this episode that fans get to learn a little bit more about Jess’s past, including her previous jobs. And a glimpse at her Jewel costume. It’s a powerful episode in which Jess and her allies make the first attempt to capture Kilgrave.

AKA Take a Bloody Number

“AKA Take a Bloody Number"is the second to last episode from the first season of Jessica Jones. And it’s a nail biter of an episode. This episode brings Luke back to the fight against Kilgrave – but not in the way fans were hoping for.

This is the episode in which a major fan theory was confirmed – that Jessica can no longer be enthralled by Kilgrave. In reaction to this news, he orders Luke to kill Jess. The following fight is intense, with unexpected force and results.

AKA Three Lives and Counting

“AKA Three Lives and Counting” is the only episode from season two to make the list, but it’s one heck of an episode. Jess may have done the right thing when she killed Kilgrave, but ever since she’s been plagued with the fear that she’s turning into a monster. This fear only grows as the second season moves on, and Jess learns more about her past.

This episode is full of flashbacks from Kilgrave and is probably one of the reasons why fans loved it so much. Three Lives and Counting also brings with it another dramatic change: Trish has finally gone over the deep end, and jumped straight for the opportunity to get powers of her own.

AKA A Lotta Worms

“AKA A Lotta Worms” is the second to last episode to come from the Jessica Jones series, and thus it packs quite the punch. The fans certainly thought so, given the rating it’s gotten on IMDB.

Once again Jess has found herself in police custody. And once again she’s the suspect in a murder. She’s innocent, as usual (well, except that one time she murdered Kilgrave). To get Jess free, Trish comes up with a crazy plan, during which she kills another man, proving Jess’ innocence (since she was with the police when the crime happened). Trish then goes after Salinger, because that’s what she does now.

AKA Camera Friendly

“AKA Camera Friendly” is the seventh episode from season three, and it’s the top episode from Salinger’s plot arc. It’s also probably the first and only time that Jess and Trish worked together perfectly as a team.

Diving deep into Salinger’s past, Jess finally finds the evidence needed to put him away. And all it took was tracking down the body of the first person he ever killed. It’s a gruesome discovery, but it’s exactly what they needed to do things by the book.

AKA Top Shelf Perverts

Rating: 8.6

“AKA Top Shelf Perverts” is the seventh episode to come from season one of Jessica Jones. And it was another popular episode. And there’s a good reason for that. This is the episode in which the fight against Kilgrave is suddenly feeling more real than ever, with him happily announcing how much he knows about her plans and location though a well-placed attack. By having her neighbor kill himself in her bed.

In an extreme reaction to all of the deaths around her, Jess allows herself to be arrested and put into a supermax prison. What follows is a whole slew of each character coming up with their own plans to change what is happening. And a standoff in a prison involving Kilgrave and Jess.

AKA 1,000 Cuts

Rating: 8.8

“AKA 1,000 Cuts” is the tenth episode to come from the first season, and it’s another intense episode for fans to watch. With Kilgrave out in the wild again – it’s only a matter of time before people start dying again. Perhaps the only surprise is who will die.

Kilgrave manages to get his hands on Hogarth, who is more willing than she would like to admit. The end result is Wendy Ross-Hogarth’s death, and Kilgrave finding out about Hope Shlottman’s aborted fetus – which Hogarth kept in an attempt to replicate Kilgrave’s powers.

AKA Smile

“AKA Smile” is the final episode from the first season, and just the title alone is enough to make most fans flinch. This episode concludes the first season of Jessica Jones (and for a time fans weren’t sure if that would also mark the end of the series). It also marks the end of Kilgrave’s run.

In this episode, Jessica is finally forced to face Kilgrave directly. And that involves her making a decision she’s been hoping to avoid this whole time. But for the love she feels for Trish, she’s willing to do it. And finally be free.


Rating: 9

“AKA WWJD” is the eighth episode from season one, and is another fan favorite. You may have noticed this trend here; most of the episodes on this list are from season one. Apparently that was the most popular season of the series. Which makes a certain amount of sense.

In this episode Jess finds herself somewhere she never expected: home. She’s lured there by Kilgrave, who promises not to enthrall her. Jess agrees, but mostly to keep him from striking out against even more innocents. And finally, Jessica has managed to capture the elusive Kilgrave.

AKA Sin Bin

Rating: 9.1

“AKA Sin Bin” is yet another episode from season one, and it is the highest-ranked episode of the entire series. In this episode, Jessica finally has Kilgrave. He’s in a cage, where he belongs. But in the world of superheroes, nothing ever goes as planned.

Hogarth is quickly tempted by everything that Kilgrave has to offer. Meanwhile, Trish gets her hands on the drugs that make Simpson what he is. And Simpson himself is currently overdosing on the very same drugs.

This episode is the top-ranked of the series, and with good reason. There is simply so much that happens here. And that’s to the writing of this episode, all of the information and changes thrown our way don’t feel rushed. Instead, fans eagerly ate it all up.