The former star of Counting On and 19 Kids and Counting, Jill Duggar Dillard has revealed her brand new style after cutting off over a foot of hair. The former TLC star chopped off 14 inches of hair for a good cause earlier this week. Jill donated her long ponytail to a charity that makes wigs out of human hair for people suffering from hair loss due to chemotherapy for cancer.

Jill is the second oldest daughter to Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, who became a household name through their show 19 Kids and Counting. The reality TV star then went on to become a midwife. She married Derek Dillard in June of 2014, they had their first child, Isreal Dillard, in 2015, and then their second, Samuel Dillard, in 2017. Jill has been married for 5 years. However, after her husband made offensive comments, he was removed from being featured on Counting On and Jill followed suit. Though fans can’t keep up with her and her little family on the TLC show, she has been posting regular updates through her Instagram and through her personal blog.

Jill’s latest news was revealed on her Dillard Family blog. She spoke about her decision to cut her long and flowing locks. She wrote in the lengthy blog post, “So…I usually get my hair trimmed twice a year and it was getting to be that time of year. I wanted to get a little more cut off than I did last time.” Jill explained the reasoning behind giving her hair the chop, saying that her hip-length long hair was getting difficult to manage, and other than “the boys were getting tangled in it” she felt like it was also “contributing to headaches.” She revealed that she had been thinking about cutting off her locks in order to donate “to an organization that makes free wigs for people who have lost their hair” for a while now. Jill got an appointment with a local hair salon called B. Lush and cut off well past the minimum 8-12 inches that most organizations require. Jill cut off an impressive 14 plus inches. She showed off her adorable new hair-do in her Instagram post, seen below:

Jill revealed in her blog that she was wearing her hair up “most of the time” due to sitting on it, and so she’s looking forward to being able to wear it down more now. She said she’s still trying to figure out which organization to donate the 14 inches of hair to, saying, “I’d like to donate my hair to be used in a wig for kids or people who have lost their hair, like my mother-in-law when she was battling cancer over five years ago. I’ve seen that there are several organizations who take hair donations and make wigs free of charge for people who have lost their hair and I look forward to donating mine to one of these.” Jill then encouraged other people to donate to the organizations as well, because she realized that depending on the organization, they require “anywhere from 12-20 donations” to make one wig. In addition to helping people, Jill got a boost of confidence because of her new ‘do, saying, “I love it and it felt so much lighter right away!”

In her reaction video, the change shocked her children but her husband loved the new look. It seems that fans are loving it too, as the comments on her Instagram photos have nearly all been positive. Overall, it was a positive experience for Jill and for the organization receiving the healthy locks.

Next: Josh & Anna Duggar Welcome Sixth Baby: Maryella Hope

Counting On airs Tuesdays at 9pm EST on TLC.

Source: Jill Dillard, Dillard Family