While many welcome the feature, some of us just feel more used to Vine. It was first with the short videos, and it did something right. I don’t really know what, but whatever it did, it just works, and it’s fun. Fallon takes that approach, talking about the extra nine seconds you have with Instagram. Vine gives you six, and for some reason, it feels like enough. It’s just fun to make short videos that tell a story sometimes. Those 15 seconds Instagram gives us feel long. No one says we have to fill those several seconds, but it just doesn’t flow as well as a Vine video. Fallon’s joke features several folks using Vine and awkwardly waiting as they aren’t totally used to the longer recording duration. The fun starts at about 2:35:

We went into a discussion about this very thing on the TechGroove podcast. Speaking of funny takes on Instagram, who can forget this classic College Humor video poking fun at users of the service.
