Joaquin’s Phoenix name has recently become a heavy topic of discussion after his role in Joker won him an Oscar and a Golden Globe, as well as several other nominations. His acting abilities have been honed over time as he has over 50 different acting credits on his resume, with several of these being feature films.

IMDb provides a ranking for each of these films that are compiled based on reviews by registered users. We have also narrowed down the search to movies where he is featured as one of the stars. Keep reading to learn about 10 of Joaquin Phoenix’s best feature films as ranked by IMDb!

The Sisters Brothers (7.0)

This film takes us back to Oregon in the 1850s as we follow the journey of two brothers named Eli and Charlie Sisters. They work as assassins and their current mission is to hunt down a gold prospector. Phoenix plays the role of Charlie, with John C. Reilly taking on the role of Eli by his side.

People love the western aspect of this film, and even though it is at the bottom of our list it is definitely one to watch. It is not for those who don’t appreciate this kind of film, but Joaquin’s acting might be the thing that makes the difference.

The Master (7.2)

This film follows the story of a man named Freddie Quell, who is portrayed by Phoenix, after he returned home from the Navy following the end of World War II. Like many soldiers of the time, he has difficulty adapting to life back at home and turns to alcohol, violence, and sex to help him survive.

He is fired from numerous jobs until he stumbles across the Dodd family’s yacht and is offered a position. The Dodd family runs a cult called The Cause and this film documents Quell’s journey as he navigates this strange world. Fans raved about Phoenix’s acting performance in this movie which is why it managed to make it onto the list with a score of 7.2.

Quills (7.3)

Joaquin Phoenix plays a man named Coulmier in the film who is a man that runs an insane asylum in eighteenth-century France. The story follows the journey of a writer as he composes erotic stories that are sold on the black market.

Coulmier is against the writer and works to put an end to his career and it all ends with a few horrible deaths. This film will have fans gripping the edge of their seats as they hang onto every word and follow the twists and turns the storyline takes. Phoenix’s main role helped propel this film onto this list as it managed to achieve a score of 7.3 from IMDb.

Walk The Line (7.5)

Johnny Cash was a musical legend, and Phoenix was given the honor of portraying him in this biographical film. It follows Cash’s journey into the music industry as he joins the Air Force, buys his first guitar, and becomes a salesman before his career takes off.

Fans of Johnny Cash are given an insight into who he was and how he formed relationships with those around him. Joaquin Phoenix did a phenomenal job in this role which is what led to a score of 7.5 from IMDb.

Her (8.0)

Phoenix plays Theodore in this film, who is a man going through a divorce who works as a letter writer. Fans watch as he buys a new artificially intelligent operating system and forms a connection with the voice coming through his screen.

Theodore eventually falls in love with the system and has to deal with his mixed feelings about this new relationship. It is a bit strange for some tastes, but others love its eccentric nature. It might be a good one to add to your movie list as it did receive a rating of 8.0 from IMDb.

Hotel Rwanda (8.1)

Phoenix played a more minor role in this film as Jack Daglish, who was a journalist during the tumultuous Rwandan Genocide. The movie follows a man named Paul as he seeks to protect his family from the civil war going on outside their doorsteps.

He manages a hotel and uses it to help refugees in search of safety from those looking to harm them. It is filled with violence and political turmoil that fans of the film loved, which is why it was given an 8.1 on IMDb.

Gladiator (8.5)

This film was released back in 2000 and Phoenix played the major role of Commodus. This character was overlooked for the position of Emperor despite being the Emperor’s own son. Maximus, a man beloved by the people, is chosen instead.

A power struggle ensues where Maximus loses his family and is placed into the Gladiator games which are surely a death sentence. He uses the opportunity to fight the way to the top and look his family’s killer in the eyes. Phoenix played his part well and it led to a score of 8.5.

Joker (8.6)

Many will be surprised that this movie isn’t at the top of the list as he has won several awards for this role, as well as received several nominations for his performance. It follows the evolution of Arthur Fleck, the man who would become the Joker, as he enters a downward spiral into a life of crime.

It was only given a score of 8.6 by IMDb despite its huge success, but nonetheless it is one to add to your watchlist. The way he portrays this character is unlike anything that can be imagined and truly brings this story to life.

Earthlings (8.7)

This might come as a surprise that a documentary on the mistreatment of animals by the industry is almost number one. Phoenix is open about his veganism and dislike for the animal industry, which is the harsh reality that this documentary reveals.

He is the narrator for the film and uses his voice to help explain the horrid conditions in which these creatures live through footage shown using hidden cameras. It will be hard to watch for many as the truth behind the meats in our grocery stores is revealed.

Dominion (9.1)

This is another more recent documentary about the mistreatment of animals within the agricultural industry. It received a rating of 9.1 from IMDb for its use of drones and hidden cameras to unveil the truth.

This film exposes the many ways in which animals are used for food and clothing which expands upon the previous documentary. Joaquin Phoenix was chosen to narrate once again alongside other activists like Rooney Mara and Sia.