Keanu Reeves is, without doubt, one of the greatest action heroes of the century, so it is only logical so many people have fantasized about him even joining the MCU or the DCEU. After all, his John Wick is one of those characters who is nearly unbeatable in single combat.

Though the franchise also has a comic book, the movies are still the main focus, and the fans are eagerly waiting for the fourth film. Until then, it’s fun to analyze the characters we already know, so here are fan-favorite John Wick characters sorted into their Hogwarts houses.

Cassian: Hufflepuff

It might seem like there aren’t any Hufflepuffs in the cruel world of John Wick, but there are actually a few characters that could potentially qualify as a Hufflepuff and one of them is Cassian, a hitman and bodyguard who is also the right hand of the crime lord Gianna D’Antonio.

Despite being an antagonist to John, Cassian actually follows him and hunts him down for personal reasons rather than because he is ordered to do so. Afterward, the two even sit down and have a talk instead of trying to kill each other which only shows that Cassian is a decent person.

Viggo Tarasov: Ravenclaw

Though we only see him in the first movie, Viggo Tarasov makes a big impression on every viewer and helps fans to understand who John Wick is and why he acts the way he acts. Viggo is also the one telling viewers that John is very dangerous (which Wick later proves with his actions).

Considering that Viggo Tarasov is always a very calculating man who cares about the safety of his people and himself, you could argue that he is a Ravenclaw. He does make mistakes, but he also tries to think several steps ahead and protect himself from John.

The Adjudicator: Slytherin

Another antagonist to John Wick, the Adjudicator is an agent of the High Table who is tasked with dealing with John Wick after he assassinates a member of the High Table in the second movie (the member being Santino D’Antonio). The Adjudicator is also a representative of the Elder.

The Adjudicator is definitely a Slytherin. Once you take into account her calculating nature and her determination, you could argue that she is a Ravenclaw. However, her ruthlessness and loyalty to the High Table prove that she is actually a Slytherin.

The Bowery King: Ravenclaw

The Bowery King is undoubtedly a character that might set you off a bit because of his strange worldview and questionable position, but he is mostly good towards John Wick, so he does appear much friendlier and more likable than other characters.

With the Bowery King being at the head of the Bowery, an underground intelligent network disguised as a homeless shelter, it is very probable that this character is a Ravenclaw. He has the better qualities of this house and a good heart which ultimately makes him help Wick at the end of the third movie.

Zero: Gryffindor

Yet another antagonist to John Wick is Zero. He might be a secondary enemy, but he is still very dangerous and has the power to inflict a lot of damage on and maybe even kill John Wick at some point. After all, he has his own group of assassins.

It is unclear whether or not Zero is a Gryffindor, but it does seem to be so on many occasions. He admires John and has taught his assassins to admire and respect Wick as well. This is why they let him get up whenever they fight together which is kind of a Gryffindor quality.

The Director: Hufflepuff

Basically, the Director is John Wick’s adopted mother. Even though she is a very strict woman who isn’t afraid of making her adopted children hurt, she still cares for them a lot. The Director is also the head of Ruska Roma and a famous crime lord.

The Director is another rare Hufflepuff in the world of John Wick. She is actually kind-hearted despite everything going on. Besides, she acts as a mother for many characters which could only be a role reserved for a Hufflepuff considering that these characters live in a cruel world of crime.

Charon: Ravenclaw

Though Charon is a very quiet man most of the time, he does voice his opinion sometimes and offers John Wick various services while the latter one is staying at the Continental Hotel in New York City. Charon, much like his Greek namesake, is a Ravenclaw.

He is smart and even sly in many ways. Charon was hired by Winston, but it seems that the former is way more loyal and dedicated to the hotel’s rules. Charon is also very respectful towards John and admits that it was a pleasure to work with him (he also looks after John’s dog for some time).

Winston: Slytherin

No matter what kind of person Charon is, Winston will still be the one in power over him, so whatever Winston orders Charon to do will have to be done (even if it is not a very good thing towards John Wick). Nevertheless, Winston does help John Wick to an extent.

This character is most likely a Slytherin. He is manipulative and follows his own interests while being very sly and calculating. He possesses many qualities a Ravenclaw would have, but his questionable intentions make him more of a Slytherin.

Sofia Al-Azwar: Gryffindor

Every fan of the franchise is probably also a fan of Sofia Al-Azwar thanks to her natural charm, superior fighting skills, and endless love for her dogs. Besides, she is one of the characters who helps John Wick when he is declared excommunicado.

Sofia is undoubtedly a Gryffindor. She is very brave and will help her friend when he is in trouble. She also cares for her daughter a lot and has been avoiding her in order to protect her even though this makes her feel very bad and she wants to see her a lot.

John Wick: Slytherin

Perhaps the hardest to classify would be John Wick. He has the qualities of three houses at the same time: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Nevertheless, anyone would come to the conclusion that he is actually a Slytherin.

He is sly and calculating, but he is also very loyal to his wife and those he cares about. He isn’t afraid of practically anything (which is why he risks his life so often) and he is also a great fighter and a very smart man.